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should i use knobs or pull bars?

This is an important one.

A knob + a pull bar will have a huge impact on the functionality within your home - especially in the kitchen.
To put it simply, if you’re selecting handles for low weight drawers carrying cutlery or tea towels a knob will work perfectly.
Whereas, if you’re selecting handles for heavy weight drawers carrying pots + pans a pull bar will work much better as these draws can get quiet heavy + you don’t want your fingers struggling to get a good grasp or slipping off the knob.


how do i select the right pieces for my home?

Easy. We’ve simplified the process for you.

Our carefully selected range of products means you can select one item that you love + have that full range flow throughout your home. 

Still unsure? Not a worry, we've teamed up with the best designers to assist with your interior designs.
Send our team your plans + we'll get in touch to help you out.

how do i track my order?

Our parcels are all registered with Australia Post.

Once your order has been dispatched, you will be sent an email containing the shipping information, including a tracking number.

If you need an update on the delivery progress of your order or wish to change the delivery details please contact us direct via email.

what warranty is provided for my products?

Warranty varies between each brand + is valid from the date of purchase. Please see below for each brands warranty period.

AGB Lock - 1 year

Brandt Collective - 2 years

Buster + Punch - 2 years

Designer Doorware - Up to 5 years dependent on finish

FritsJurgens - 10 years

Halliday + Baillie - 5 years

Sugatsune - 2 years

do i need an account to place an order?

No, you're more than welcome to checkout as a guest. 
The only time you'll need a registered account is when you need want to make a return. 

The benefits of signing up to an account include order tracking, review past orders, save address details + manage email preferences.

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